Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Bedford Researcher: Chapter 18 Summary and Discussion

Chapter 18 in The Bedford Researcher discusses the use of design in writing projects. Formatting, placement, and alignment contribute to the flow of a paper and can underscore a certain point or element of the text. Palmquist notes that the purpose of a paper should inform the writer’s design decisions; as such, having a clear and well-defined purpose in a paper is essential. Headings, pull quotes, color scheme, and shading are all different ways of setting the tone of a paper. Images may also be used to help accomplish the purpose of a writing project. Indeed, images can often set the tone before a reader even begins to read the body of the essay.
The information in chapter 18 was especially helpful to me for formatting reasons. My paper will review detailed law cases and cover a lot of information, names and people. The use of sub-sections and subheadings will help me keep the paper organized and aid the reader in following my line of argument. While I may not be inclined to use photos, I have been looking at using a graph that will help illustrate one of the concepts important to my position statement. The use of color, shading and borders, however, might be too busy for a paper like the one we’re writing for this course.

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